
Feb 12, 2019
7 Things About Hillary Kigar
What inspired you to do this kind of work? Honestly, I wasn’t really sure that I liked kids. But then I started coaching high school...

Dec 13, 2018
7 Things About Father Jim Sullivan
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I never dreamed of teaching high school or of working in Campus Ministry at any level of...

Nov 14, 2018
7 Things about Stephanie Eusebio
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I’ve always been somewhat involved in education, and I knew I wanted to be a part of this...

Oct 11, 2018
7 Things about Molleen Dupree-Dominguez
In a word, God, I guess. I’ve been interested in God and religious-y things since high school. I majored in journalism in college, but I...

Sep 13, 2018
7 Things About Michael Turnacliff
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I think that most of my inspiration to this work came from my own high school experience. I...

May 10, 2018
7 Things About Jay Beito ’92
What inspired you to do this kind of work? My students always ask me how I decided on my career, or if I even knew what I wanted to do...

Apr 11, 2018
7 Things About Kerryn Pincus
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I have been committed to children and education since high school and have always felt a...

Mar 15, 2018
7 Things – Coach Kyraciou
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I was inspired to teach at a young age because of good teachers, as well as teachers/coaches...

Feb 15, 2018
7 Things About Starr Gray ’98
What inspired you to do this kind of work? I found this work in a very serendipitous way. I worked as a Legal Assistant at my first job...

Jan 9, 2018
7 Things About Meredith Parry
What inspired you to do this kind of work? After I had retired from practicing corporate law for 17+ years, I was considering going into...