To Find God in All Things
We create opportunities for students to ask: “What kind of person do I want to be? What am I created to do?” Through the lens of scripture and Catholic traditions, students investigate social issues, examine ethics and morality, and probe spirituality and justice, with the aim of helping to build a world that recognizes, protects, and defends the dignity of every person. Our teachers embrace the diversity of religious backgrounds and beliefs in our community, and support students to develop healthy attitudes about God and self, deepen their spirituality, and work for peace and justice.

REL 311/312: Christian Morality
Students explore moral philosophies, ethical theories, and the core teachings of Christianity to critically reflect on their own character and decision making.

REL 452: Ethics and Media
This course equips students to become more intelligent consumers of media. Critiquing various news sources for accuracy, relevancy, truthfulness and ethical values, students learn how to uncover the bigger societal issues that drive our news stories.

REL 493: World Religions
This course introduces students to the history, doctrine, cultural underpinnings, and rituals of various religions, including early Native American and aboriginal spirituality, atheism, Protestant Christianity, Mormonism, Scientology, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.

Religious Studies Faculty
Molleen Dupree-Dominguez, Department Chair
Originally from Illinois, Molleen has been teaching at O’Dowd since 2014. She earned her BA in Journalism from the University of Missouri and her M.Div. from the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University. Molleen loves to teach Religious Studies because it challenges students to examine important contemporary issues in light of time honored wisdom, encouraging them to become more intentional and sincere citizens of the world.