What inspired you to do this kind of work?
I had worked in corporate America all of my adult life and I needed a change from contributing to a company’s bottom line. I wanted to do more with my life’s skills. I got laid off from PowerBar Inc., and I prayed for a position here at O’Dowd. Lucky for me, a position was created as textbook buyer. You know what they say about when a door closes, God opens a window! Well, he opened and I jumped and haven’t regretted the move at all. Making a difference in a child’s life is the most important job anyone could do.
What is your position here and how long have you worked at O’Dowd?
My position is Assistant Student Activities Director/Events Coordinator, and I’ve been working here since April 2002. I am also Cheer Moderator/JV Coach, moderator for SOS – Sisters of Success, and co-moderator of the BSU – Black Students Union.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received (generally – it doesn’t have to be related to O’Dowd)?
To always trust my inner voice, and when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
My favorite thing about my job is seeing the students come in as wide-eyed, scared freshmen and watching them mature into self-assured, mature, talented young adults. I really love getting to know the students. Seeing them grow and navigate their way through high school and life is a rewarding part of my job. The relationships with students and parents that are created through my job are priceless.
What about your field or position do you think would surprise people the most?
Student activities isn’t just about hanging out with the kids. We really get to know the students on all different levels, and through working closely with them we get to teach skills ranging from problem solving, to team work, to leadership skills. This position enhances your ability to manage many tasks at once, and realize that there’s no such thing as perfection. Hiccups happen and you have to roll with the punches. There are many events that are planned every semester that are for or include the students and we are very blessed to have an ASB that is creative and willing to take on any task that we give them. We also have developed good relationships with a number of students that when we need that extra help with a project they are more than willing to step up. That’s special.
In my cheer world I think people would be surprised to know how much athletic ability really goes into being a cheerleader at O’Dowd. Not only do they cheer at the football and basketball games but they are a competitive team which means they have to maintain a high level of athleticism. Their training begins in July at camp and continues through basketball which ends in March.
What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you?
The most surprising thing about me is that I have created a business from my hobby of creating handcrafted fashion accessories and my company DoubleTake Creations was just featured in the premiere issue of Urban Tymes magazine. I crochet all of the time. It’s my hobby, my therapy and my passion and I’ve taken it to the next level which is very exciting. Also, I recently had my film debut in a short film produced by alum Aida Teklemariam called “A Mother’s Prayer,” which was a lot of fun to do. She produced it for the Essence Short Film Contest.
If you could rescue only one thing from your burning office, what would it be?
My family pictures. My pictures are the sparks of light in my office.
Bonus Questions
What is your favorite kind of music/what are your favorite bands?
My interests range from Classic Soul, to R & B, to Gospel depending on my mood. Favorite bands – Mint Condition, Parliament, Cameo and Boyz II Men.
What is your favorite sports team or who is your favorite individual athlete?
Of course the Dragons, but for pros it would be the Warriors.