Dear Dragon Community,
’Tis the season of giving. This week, I had the heartwarming pleasure of watching our Campus Ministry Team gather loads of toys and gifts that our students and faculty/staff collected for the families of St. Vincent’s Day Home, a longstanding O’Dowd tradition. For 60 local families, our community was able to spread the joy, spirit, and cheer of Christmas. And I hope that with the simple gifts of monster trucks and legos, warm blankets and laundry detergent, each family feels the infinite love and care of God.
In our recent Mass of the Immaculate Conception, Fr. Jim Sullivan reminded us all that the smallest gestures of kindness can sometimes mean the most. During the holidays especially, when many people may be carrying invisible burdens or loneliness that we can’t see, just one kind act - a smile, a hug, a thank you - can make all the difference.
I’m deeply grateful that an education at O’Dowd is rooted in the power of community. Our students learn to build connections across differences, and to intentionally reach out to make others feel seen, valued, and loved.
Let’s keep sharing the light of goodness and mercy this season, Dragons.
Happy Holidays!
Kim Walsh
President, Bishop O’Dowd High School