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“Teen Suicide: What Adults Can Do” with Roy Petitfils, M.A. LPC

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9338 lazyload" src="" alt="Suicidal" width="500" height="200" srcset=" 500w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /> The Diocese of Oakland and Bishop O’Dowd High School are hosting a parent education evening on teen suicide awareness and prevention. This program is for parents who may know a young person who has attempted or completed suicide. By attending this event, parents will know how to recognize signs of at-risk behaviors, depression, anxiety, or abuse, and will be better equipped to respond to a potential crisis.

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Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers in the United States. Roy confronts the epidemic of teenage suicide by beginning with a detailed examination of those mental health disorders that are most associated with suicidal tendencies. Roy will explain the importance of viewing suicide from a mental health perspective instead of a moral one and will discuss the warning signs that signal a teen or other young person may be suffering from those mental health disorders that may lead to suicide. Roy will offer practical steps that adults can take if they suspect a teen or young person they know is considering suicide. He will encourage adults to broach the subject with teens by first asking permission to discuss the issue, which allows teens to feel a measure of trust and security with the adult. Roy stresses that parents of teens must understand that broaching the subject of teen suicide does not cause it to happen, but rather, exposes it to healthy discussion and most often, prevention.

The event will be held on Tuesday Feb. 7 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Theatre. Please use this form to RSVP for the event.

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Roy Petitfils is a Licensed counselor at Pax Renewal Center in Lafayette, LA. Roy studied ministry and spirituality at The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and holds a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from University of Louisiana. Roy has worked with youth and young adults for more than 20 years as minister, a teacher, school administrator, school counselor and now as a counselor in private practice. He specializes in counseling teens and young adults. Roy has published four books, including his most recent What Teens Want You to Know (But Don’t Tell You).

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