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Logan Tom ’18 Earns Rank of Eagle Scout

<img class="size-full wp-image-11211 alignleft lazyload" src="" alt="Logan-Eagle-Scout" width="200" height="250" />Logan Tom ‘18 celebrated his Eagle Court of Review on March 25, 2017, at our Lady of Grace Church in Castro Valley. He belongs to Troop 876 which is sponsored by All Saints Church in Hayward. His Eagle Scout rank was approved by the Boy Scouts of America on October 20, 2016.

One of the main requirements of becoming an Eagle Scout is to create, plan and manage a project that serves the community. Logan’s Eagle project was the refurbishment and re-construction of the “Sharpshooter” game booth used at the All Saints Church Fiesta, which is held every September and is one of the church’s main fund raisers.

His leadership position in Boy Scouts is currently Troop Guide, where he has the responsibility to help beginning scouts advance through their first four ranks. At O’Dowd, Logan is a Peer Tutor, president of the Anime Club and plays trumpet for the school’s Symphonic Band.

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