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Heartfelt Thanks to Our Legion of Wonderful Volunteers

To all the volunteers who helped our school community this year, the Dragon Parents Board would like to offer a big “Thank You!”

Whether you served on our board, helped at an event, cooked or baked up a storm, drove on trips, stuffed envelopes, tutored our students, acted as a team or mentor parent, you contributed significant support to the school and our kids and we sincerely appreciate it.

Over the past few weeks, Kasia Ekstrand, the Dragon Parents Volunteer Coordinator, and Sophia Bucheli, Campus Ministry Chair, worked together to send handwritten notes to the school’s wonderful volunteers. Sorting through her database (note: which captures many but not all of the projects and events to which parents contribute their time), Kasia started to compile a list of everyone who had volunteered at least twice during the year.

“Before I finished compiling names that started with A and B, I realized that we had hundreds of individuals to recognize,” Kasia said. So she re-prioritized to capture those who volunteered at least four times. Still, an overwhelming list.

The tandem team settled on going as far as they could with their supply of cards, braving writer’s cramp, but realize they missed sending a personal message to many dedicated volunteers. Next year more cards will be ordered and more Board members will participate in this important task

As Kasia put it: “Just let me say this – you are all amazing and make our school community what it is. Thank you again!”

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