Daily Themes and Dress Code
Students will be allowed to dress in the assigned color on each day, and faculty/staff are encouraged to do the same! Except for polos, regular dress code will still be strictly enforced.
Monday – GREEN: Earth Day – Plants and Forests
Tuesday – BLUE: Water
Wednesday – BLACK: Energy Conservation / Black Out Day
Thursday – RED: Climate Change Awareness
Friday – WHITE: Hope for a bright future!
See here for flyer outlining how students can earn points for their class year. Students have ongoing opportunities to earn points by carpooling/taking pub transit to school, and by bringing reusable water bottles, utensils, and dishware to use at school. Living Lab Service Day attendance yesterday was 5 points per person, so we start the week off with current point totals:
Seniors: 75 points
Juniors: 70 points
Freshman: 25 points
Sophomores: 10 points
Educational Offerings and Participation Opportunities
All weekdays: For each day, Eco Leaders have planned a variety of fun and educational break and lunch activities on the quad. All week, the cafeteria will be highlighting Living Lab ingredients used in lunch.
Monday, 4/23: Meatless Monday in the cafeteria
Tuesday, 4/24: Volunteer in the Living Lab after school!
Wednesday, 4/25: Living Lab soup
Thursday, 4/26: Assembly by Eco Leaders featuring TED-talk-style presentations from three local organizations working on environmental and social justice solutions to big problems
Saturday, 4/28: Living Lab Plant Sale at Navigating O’Dowd!
Thank you for your support, as always ☀