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E-Waste Drive

O’Dowd is hosting an Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Drive on the following dates:

Thursday, January 11, and Friday, January 12 Before school: 7:25-8:20 a.m. After school: until 3:30 p.m.

You are invited to bring your broken or old electronic items to school for safe recycling and re-purposing by a local company. Last year our community recycled more than 3,000 pounds of E-Waste! See here for more details about what can and cannot be dropped off.

<img src="" alt="ewaste" width="591" height="911" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-17642 lazyload" srcset=" 591w, 195w" sizes="(max-width: 591px) 100vw, 591px" />

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