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“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.”
―  Salvador Dali ―


Our Visual Arts department offers an eclectic array of mediums for student expression, including ceramics, computer arts and animation, drawing and design, painting, photography, film and video. Our preliminary classes focus on equipping students with the skill and technique they need to develop their voice as artists. As students progress in their abilities they have opportunities to explore new mediums, from printmaking, digital painting, murals, and more.

painting class

This course introduces students to mediums including watercolor, acrylics, inks, and mixed media using paper and canvas.

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Computer Art

Programs students learn are: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Animate, etc


Through an exploration of art history and culture, students develop their skills with a ceramic and clay medium and explore pottery as a three-dimensional form. 

Visual Arts Faculty
Briana Loewinsohn, Department Chair

Briana Loewinsohn is a published graphic novelist who has been teaching at O’Dowd since 2006. A Berkeley native, she went to Scripps College in LA, where she studied photography, computer arts, painting and drawing. She is passionate about teaching art to young people and is always inspired to watch what they create.

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