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Dollar Day for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief

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Campus Ministry and Solidarity in Action would like to invite the O’Dowd community, including parents and guardians, to join us in responding to the Hurricane Harvey disaster in Houston, Texas.  We are initiating a school-wide Dollar Day on Friday, September 8, to collect money to help provide assistance to the people and families who are suffering due to this disaster.

We will be sending our donations to Catholic Charities in Houston, where the money will be used to provide families the basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, and medicines.  With our donations, Catholic Charities empowers families to feel some sort of normalcy again by being able to purchase what they need.

All cash and checks are welcome!  Please make checks out to Bishop O’Dowd – Hurricane Harvey.   Parents and guardians, if you feel called to support with a check or cash donation, Friday, September 8, would be the best day!  Thank you for your solidarity with our Houston neighbors!

With gratefulness, Mary Mallahan Hicken Director of Campus Ministry

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