The Sustainability Certificate program has continued successfully into the 2016-17 school year, graduating its third cohort of certificate earners! O’Dowd’s Sustainability Certificate program is a unique co-curricular opportunity that provides students with real world skills that are applicable to sustainability oriented college, careers, and lifestyles.
This past semester, students had the opportunity to earn certificates in the following categories:
Living Lab: Introduction to Edible Gardening
Living Lab: Native Habitat Gardening
Naturalist: Nature Studies Forest Ecosystems
Naturalist: Hiking
Each certificate category has requirements appropriate for that pathway, but all certificates are built around a similar structure: knowledge foundation (student directed research or direct instruction), applied action, service, and reflection. The Sustainability Certificates program also aims to develop important 21st century skills such as eco literacy, problem solving, systems thinking, and collaboration. Over 125 students participated in workshops and activities within the Sustainability Certificate program this semester with over 20 students completing a certificate.
The program continues into the second semester, please see an overview of opportunities and scheduled dates here: