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Stephan Loukianoff ’18 Launches Own Business

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Campus Club Encourages Entrepreneurship

Stephan Loukianoff ’18 never paid much attention to how he dressed. That is until he saw a photo of himself, looking a little frumpy, alongside several friends who were outfitted in casual but stylish streetwear.

<img class="size-full wp-image-15280 alignleft lazyload" src="" alt="offcharts_model" width="267" height="400" srcset=" 267w, 200w" sizes="(max-width: 267px) 100vw, 267px" />“I could see that clothes really do matter, and that how you dress can impact how others think of you and how you think of yourself,” he said.

Loukianoff decided to create a clothing brand that would offer high quality and fashionable streetwear and modeled his business after well-known companies such as Nike, Adidas, Supreme and Stussy.

His brand, Off the Charts, currently offers hoodies and T-shirts with a distinctive upward trending graph logo in various color combinations. He hopes to expand into athletic wear. “I want to advance the brand and make it as noticeable and accessible as I can,” he said.

Loukianoff has found encouragement for his efforts at O’Dowd, through the Entrepreneurial Club, and hopes to inspire fellow students. “I hope I can be a motivator for other students to follow their dreams,” he said.

O’Dowd President Steve Phelps, moderator of the Entrepreneurial Club, said O’Dowd is committed to supporting and encouraging students with the entrepreneurial spirit, and posts information about club and student endeavors on the school website.

“By providing students access to opportunities like Disrupt SF 2017, the Startup Experience program offered on campus, field trips and inviting guest speakers to share their experiences, we are helping prepare students for the world of accelerating change,” he said.

Off the Charts is more than just a company name to Loukianoff – it’s a way of living. “Everyone has their difficulties in life, but the goal is to try and become the best you can be,” he said. “Even if you have a downfall, you have to get back up and keep going. That’s what the graph in the logo symbolizes. And the concept can be applied to so many aspects in life – jobs, personal relationships, sports or hobbies.”

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The son of a venture capitalist, Loukianoff said that he has always wanted to create his own business, and has talked at length with his dad about what it takes to run a successful business.

But for Loukianoff, being an entrepreneur isn’t just about making money. It’s about teamwork and connecting with people.

While Loukianoff has sold a fair amount of product, he has yet to make a profit. He’s given away clothing to those who have modeled his apparel, as well as the photographers who have taken photos that he features on his company’s social media channels. “Of course that gives me some free advertising,” he said.

Loukianoff says Off the Charts isn’t just a passing fancy. “I definitely want to expand the business and grow the brand. The issue I’m having right now is how to get it popular outside of school,” he said. “I’m currently working on developing a website.” View all stories »

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