Match MVP – Haili Senegal – Teaming with Sarah Craney, Haili played her trademark offensive game – with plenty of deception and wicked cutaways.
The Lady Dragons celebrated Senior Day in style with a clean sweep of Foothill rival San Leandro. In the final WACC match of the season, O’Dowd charged out front with decisive wins in all doubles matches – followed by wins from the McCroden sisters and Alexis GIllikin at #2, 3, and 4 singles. Last on the court was Jenna DeTurk at #1 who pulled out a 5-7, 6-3 (10-3) tie-break win. The five seniors were presented roses and many posters, gifts and gratitude from their teammates along with a barbeque from the Team Dads and Moms.
Additionally – O’Dowd Tennis recently received some great press from East Bay Prep Scores. #BISHOP O’DOWDSAN LEANDRO HIGHTIMEMATCH SCORE1Jenna DeTurkvs.Jenna Dizon985-7, 6-3, 10-32Yasmine McCrodenvs.Diane Rodriguez656-0, 6-43Milan McCrodenvs.Sophie David546-1, 6-04Alexis Gillikinvs.Daniella Ceballos576-1, 6-31DHaili Senegalvs.Vivian Ye496-0, 6-11DSarah CraneyAllison Zheng2DHaley Bunkersvs.Laila Thompson476-0, 6-02DSamaria BerrySophia Sperman3DEmily Lecocqvs.Nell Aragon616-2, 6-23DElla SIlvermanAngela Pratt