Thank you to everyone who took part in our school climate survey. All surveys were closed on December 1st. We had 686 responses to our parent survey giving us a response rate of over 50%, 119 responses to our faculty and staff survey giving us a response rate of just over 70%, and 1033 responses for the student survey, which is well above the 70% response rate required for a reliable data set. Receiving these response rates is an important goal to have reached because it means that the data we collect will be more reliable in comparison with the normed data for the student survey.
We can expect the results to be available in 3-4 weeks. Our next steps are to begin working with the data as a community in an inclusive and transparent process. The data will guide us in our ongoing assessment of curriculum and instruction, equity and inclusivity, student activities, and health and wellness.
With this input we have taken a huge step in working toward a vision of data-driven community building and data-driven decision making.
Thank you again to all who contributed their voice!