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O’Dowd Girls Make History as Scouts

Juniors Camille Calegari-Cameron and Mollie King blazed a trail into the history books on May 20, becoming two of the first four young women to earn the rank of Scout in the history of Piedmont Council.

Mollie and Camille joined Troop 4 earlier this spring, having been “recruited” by classmates Roman Rodriguez ’20 and Hannes Rodriguez ’22. Both enthusiastically embraced all of the opportunities that Boy Scouts (now known as Scouts BSA) has to offer. 2019 was the first year that girls could officially be recognized as members of BSA troops.

Camille attended the annual snow camping trip and Mollie has plans to attend Scout Camp later this summer. Both are eager to participate in all of the skill and outdoor activities and are serving as leaders for the middle school age girls that have joined the Troop. Mollie is also a Troop 4 legacy as her uncle Billy Mertz ’98 is a Troop 4 Eagle Scout. Congrats to these two pioneering Dragons!


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