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Alumni Advisory Summit

A group of alumni gathered on campus May 6 for the O’Dowd Alumni Advisory Summit. This group, led by John Valva ’84, participated in a day of discussion about the O’Dowd alumni experience and provided invaluable feedback to lay the groundwork for our alumni relations program.

Photo, from the top, clockwise: LizaDawn Ramirez, Director of Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy; faculty member Brian Cushing ’84; John Valva ’84; Diane Mascote McRae ’81; Liz DiGiacomo ’02; Dick Moore ’63; Dana Ciraulo Young ’83; Julie Matthews Grajeda ’75; Margie Matthews ’64; Tracey Broadhead Frith ’85; Laura Goslee ’11; Cara Conley ’10; Dr. Phelps, President; Jessica Delaney ’17, Senior Philanthropy Officer; Maddy Farrington ’17, Senior Philanthropy Officer; Joyce Allencastre Souza ’57; Sue Hansen Heeg ’66; Al Heeg ’55; Bev Mello Rettus ’55; Raul Peña ’73, Lauryn Holloway ’03; Sean O’Shea ’98; Jim Negri ’68; Earl JOHson ’61 and Don Keeley ’68 (not pictured: Yalda Rafie ’12).


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