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Javier Sanchez

Job Title:

Art Teacher


Fine and Performing Arts


Phone: (510) 577-9100



Started at O'Dowd:



B.A. Studio Art from Cal State Hayward (never say East Bay) in 1993.

Originally from:

Born and raised in Oakland

Why I Teach:

Teaching allows me to share my passion for art that I have had for since my childhood. Art is ever evolving, and my classes reflect the creative change our world experiences.

Most powerful teaching technique:

Time lapse of an art project from start to finish in a digital slide show for students to completely understand and see the step-by-step approach.

Why are the subjects you teach important?:

Bishop O'Dowd High School is a tremendous source for the Arts, our school gives students an opportunity to study any one of our artistic disciplines (visual, musical, technological or drama). Sadly, while many schools are limiting or even eliminating the arts from their curriculum, BOD continues to support the Arts, giving our students a chance to develop their artistic creativity.

Favorite quotes:

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." -Salvador Dali "All artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few prepared to learn to draw?" - Banksy

Favorite trivia:

Most expensive painting ever sold... No.5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock Year of Sale: 2006 Cost: $140 million

Recommended visual media:

Documentary - "Exit Through the Gift Shop" (2010)

Recommended reads:

Hobbies or outside interests:

My new hobbie is my recently born son.

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