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Immersive Trips and Travel Studies

Justice Immersion Trips

O'Dowd students are invited to participate in our justice immersion trips as they learn about social justice, simple living, solidarity/community, spirituality, sustainability, and service. Students are encouraged to apply for the 2023-2024 immersion opportunities. Applications are due December 15, 2023.

Arrupe Social Justice Leadership Summit

February 2-4 at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz Mountains

Join other high schoolers from California Catholic high schools to learn the value and power of social justice leadership. This three-day summit will include opportunities to connect with peers from other schools and consider new ways to thoughtfully lead with a social justice lens. This opportunity is available to current 9th-11th graders.

Note: The summit does not count toward service hours, but is valuable training towards becoming an advanced leader at O’Dowd!

Appalachia Environmental Justice Immersion

March 31 - April 5 in Wheeling, West Virginia

Spend six days during spring break in the Appalachia region of the U.S. learning about social justice, simple living, solidarity/ community, spirituality, sustainability, and service. Students will partake in the programming of the Appalachia Institute of Wheeling University, with particular focus on environmental justice. This trip is eligible for 60 hours toward The Anawim Project and is available to all grades.

Urban Immersion to Canticle Farm

June 10-14 at Canticle Farm in East Oakland

Spend five full days this summer exploring Oakland and learning about social justice, simple living, solidarity, spirituality, sustainability, and service. Students will stay at Canticle Farm, an urban farm, intentional community, and educational center in the Fruitvale district of Oakland. Students will help with gardening and cooking, learn from fascinating community members (including artists and activists), and visit other local non-profits. This opportunity is available to current 9th-11th graders and is eligible for 30 hours toward The Anawim Project.

Sierra Service Project Immersion

July 7-12, Navajo Nation in Arizona

Spend six days this summer in the Navajo Nation of Arizona learning about social justice, simple living, solidarity/ community, spirituality, sustainability, and service. Students will partake in programming of the Sierra Service Project, whose purpose is to build strong connections and resilience among communities by equipping volunteers in home repair skills and community-based projects. This opportunity is available to current 10th-11th graders and is eligible for 60 hours toward The Anawim Project.

Questions or need of extension beyond December 15 deadline? Contact Michael Downs, Director of Justice and Kinship, at


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