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Boy Scouts Help Santa Rosa Fire Victims

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Pictured above, left to right: Moire Bruin, Benicio de Palm, Teddy Bruin, Kieran Okada, Jett Roberts, Maeve Kelly, and Noelia McKillop

Piedmont Troop 6, including O’Dowd students Benicio de Palm ’21, Teddy Bruin ’18, Kieran Okada ’19, Jett Roberts ’19, Maeve Kelly ’18 and Noelia McKillop ’21, put their cooking skills – gleaned from numerous campouts and service projects – to good use over the weekend for the community suffering from the devastating fires Santa Rosa.

Led by the Troop’s Servicemasters Bruin and Okada, along with Grubmasters Jak Kohler and Raulin Morales, more than 40 Troop 6 scouts, adult leaders, and parents prepared and served lunch for over 200 Redwood Empire Council Boy Scout volunteers working about two miles from the fires still burning last Saturday.

Troop members began their efforts on Friday night, shopping for food. On Saturday, they were up early to assemble a mobile kitchen and then set out for Santa Rosa to serve a hearty lunch to those in need.

The volunteers, gratefully lining up for a Troop 6 homemade meal of Pico de Gallo, steak and chicken fajitas, as well as sides of rice and beans, were members of the impacted community – some who had been displaced themselves – as well as members of 14 troops, packs, and crews from Sonoma and Mendocino counties.

The volunteers spent the day building sifters – wood-framed nets – for fire victims to use to sit through the ash and debris of destroyed homes to uncover mementos such as wedding rings or ceramic pieces. More than 700 sifters were made on Saturday and offered free of charge.

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